“You do not
have problems-
you are the problem.”

From the Archive of Gitananda Yoga Gesellschaft Deutschland e. V.

25. Januar 2010



1. Be cheerful
2. Do it now. Don't put things off. Do them immediately.
3. Do it well.
4. Be honest.
5. Be on time.
6. Say what you think and do what you say.
7. Stand up for your principles.
8. Don't engage in popularity contests.
9. Be active.
10. Be intense.
11. Live naturally and simply.
12. Create beauty around you.
13. Share your life with others.
14. Be open.
15. ----
16. Have a sense of humour.
17. Don't take yourself seriously.
18. Know yourself.
19. Be responsible.
20. Don't make excuses.
21. Keep your word under all circumstances.
22. Realise that you forget only those things which are not important to you. Make everything important and you won't forget anything.
23. Live a unified life. Make your work, your Yoga, your life, your home, your family, all one continuous unbroken process and unit.
24. Be scientific and rational.
25. Be aware and informed of the world around you.
26. Be independent.
27. Be hardened and well trained.
28. Make yourself capable of doing very difficult things.
29. Enjoy yourself. Enjoy your life. Enjoy your daily routine. Enjoy your food. Enjoy breathing. Enjoy the sun. Enjoy water. Enjoy plants.
30. Make your Yoga Sadhana "Sukham", or natural and easy. It should be as natural and as easy to you as breathing.
31. Practice your own Sadhana. Love your techniques for their own sake. Practice them faithfully and assiduously. Not for what you expect from them, but rather for the sheer joy of doing them. Do not be distracted from the path by worthless glitter and baubles.
32. Be yourself.
33. Grow a garden.


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